

Hi guys

I just read this magazine called Gloria today and decided to make "the Alphabets of my life" kind of post. I tried this in Finnish but there's no Finnish words for C or B or the other strange letters. So, here it goes in English, enjoy

A is for Aspe, my boyfriend. We've been together since February 2010 and we moved together last April. Though it feels like weekend relationship because he's in the Army at the moment and we get to see each other only two days a week. 

B is for black. This was already a tricky one but then black came naturally. Couple of years ago I had to have some kind of black piece of clothing on, otherwise I felt myself naked. I felt safe in black, nowdays I can use other colours - like dark grey. Haha, black will always be my favourite.

C is for city. I can't imagine myself living a happy life on a countryside or in the middle of a forest. I just can't. At the moment I'm living in the middle of Oulu and I just love this.

D is for dreams. Sounds cliché I know! But I've always been a dreamer, always thinking that the grass must be greener on the other side of the fence.

E  is for ego. My nearest friends know what I'm talking about, my ego is huge most of the time. Then someone gets me back on the ground. (That's a good thing.)

F is for friends. Another cliché, what else could you put here? Fuck? Makes no sense. So, friends. Love you guys. I could live without you but it would be boring. I have friends in Finland and couple great ones in Germany, UK, Turkey and France and I really hope to see you soon :--) (PS. I also love the TV-show...)

G is for God. I believe that there's someone up there.

H is for Helsinki, the capital city of Finland. I love Helsinki and it would be great to live there. It's one of my favourite cities I've ever been in.

I is for isä, which means father in Finnish. Felt more natural to choose Finnish word for this one because this just came to my mind immediately when I thought a letter "I". My dad lives in another town but I get to see him once or twice a month. My parents divorced when I was 2 years old and me and my sister have lived with our mother since '97. My dad is still important part of my family and we talk on a phone couple times a week.

J is for...? I have no idea what to put here. Seriously, I don't have any J-stuff in my life? 

K is for Kemi, my hometown. 
L is for laugh. What would life be without laughing?

M is for mom

N is for Nicco, the cutest dog ever. We had it for 10 years but it died couple of years ago. Sad that I don't have any pictures of it on this computer..

O is for Oulu, the city I live in. I don't want to spend my whole life here but it's okay at the moment, my life is here. And I enjoy living in the city center.

P is for Paris. I love Paris. I love France. I love almost everything which comes from France. I've studied French for 5 years and it's kinda embarrassing that I still can't speak it correctly, only the basics. PS. I'm going to Paris this year with couple of students from our school!

Q is for nothing, seriously I'm not even going to try to figure out anything for Q. Only thing that comes to my mind is this James Bond character "Q" who invented all the great cars and weapons for Mr. Bond.

R is for Rehab, one of my favourite songs from Amy Winehouse. Damn she had a great voice!

S is for Saturday. It's my favourite day of the week, I'm not tired because I wake up late and usually I don't have anything to do on Sunday so I can stay up late.

T is for Tiina, my sister. At the moment she's in Belgium as an exchange student and I miss her. Fortunately we get to talk almost every day via Skype and Facebook so nothing has changed.

U is for Undisclosed Desires, awesome song from Muse.

V is for my last name Välimaa. If I'd translate it in English it would be "Middlecountry/land" or "Betweencountry/land". That wasn't my point, my point was that I hated my last name for many years. It is quite long one and I wanted to change my name to something else. My opinion has changed instead of the name, nowdays I can't imagine to be no one else but Sanna Välimaa. If I ever get married, I want to keep my own last name.

W is for white, which is my another favourite colour. Almost everything in our apartment is white and if I buy a shirt and I don't want it to be black it is definitely white.

X is for nothing again. Only thing that comes to my mind is Xanax and I don't take Xanax.

Y is for youth. I try to make the best out of this time now when I'm still gorgeous. Hahaha I'm so funny

Z is for zzz. I love to sleep. 12 hours a night would be amazing.

This was pretty difficult but fun post to make! Hope you liked it :--)
PS. Have a nice Friday everyone
PPS. Sorry about all the typos, I'm so not going to correct them



Kirjoitukset ohi tältä syksyltä, kyllä höllii. Nyt on aikaa blogilleki :--)

PS. Kynsilakkainspis Saara Sarvaksen blogista
PPS. Ja nyt JOTAIN kommenttia tästä ku tein tästä hirveellä vaivalla (hahaha) tämmösen valkosen ja pari viikkoo sitte väänsin tota bannerii mitälite. 



Tän syksyn ultimaattinen yo-haaste alkais huomenna uskonnon korottamisella ja mun fiilis on koko sen ajan mitä oon kouluissa käyny ollu ton kuvan mukanen niin semisti hermostuttaa. Eipä mulla muuta, wish me luck!

Nii ja siis hiljaiselo blogin puolella jatkuu ensi viikkoon, sitte kun on historian kirjotuksetki ohi nii voi vähän hengähtää!

Terveisin ääliö, joka päätti kirjoittaa kaksi reaalia samaan aikaan


tori @ night

Käytiin Veeran kanssa melko hyytävällä ilta/yökävelyllä. Pipo oli must, käsineetkään ei olis ollu pahitteeksi. Palelee.



Näin iloiselta näytin viime lauantaina. Ja näin nätiltä, miinus silmäpussit. Oli hyvä päivä, vietettiin Tinen läksiäisentapaisia sekä perheen että kavereiden kesken enkä vielä tajunnut että se oikeesti lähtee 3 kuukaudeksi Belgiaan (enkä oo sisäistäny sitä vieläkään). No saatettiin sitte sunnuntaina se lentokentälle ja sinnehän tuo meni! Onneks on Skype ja Facebook ja kaikki tommoset :-)

Couple words for those who'd like me to translate my texts in English (yes, I'm talking about you Edith):
Last Sunday we took my dear little sister Tiina to Oulu airport and her current location is Belgium. The goodbyes felt like end of the world and I already miss my sister! Thank God someone invented Skype. And Facebook.

Tällä kuvalla ei ole mitään tekemistä muun postauksen kanssa, esittelen vain uusia korvakorujani!
This photo has nothing to do with anything, I just wanted you to see my new earrings..
So what do you think, should I translate my posts?